Every year when Victory of Adowa is celebrated in Addis on 2nd of March, a small contingent of " Veterans" come to celebrate wearing different former arm uniforms. They wear uniforms ranging from Emperor Haile Selassie's imperial bodyguard to Grand uniform of the Revolutionary Army of Ethiopia and often a mix of different uniforms from different eras. As their uniforms, their medals are also diverse. Service medals from the emperors time to the Ethio Somali war of the 1970's service medal are common. The old men in uniform, chant in the traditional war chant and parade in their mixed uniforms adding color and interest to the occasion which by itself is not a dramatic event as the victory that it commemorates. All who fought The battle of Adowa which happened 123 years ago are dead. Ethiopian Warriors led by Emperor Menelik won the battle by crashing the Italian colon...