Adventure in Black and White
March is the month of the epidemic/ Pandemic of COVD-19 virus at least at the part of the world I reside, North West of the United States. The first epicenter in the US. I will write about the epidemic in another blog later. Before it all started March was a designated month of Black and Photography for me. I chose March for no reason but I always wanted to experiment in Black and white photography and I chose March for taking Black and White pictures for an entire month. Black and White pictures feel somewhat natural for me since I am from an era of Black and White photography. Yes, there were color films since the 60s but it was not widely available and the early color films didn’t have the quality to represent the real world, they were somewhat off. The black and white pictures of the time were much superior because they somewhat depict the real world even it is in monochrome. It was also what people were used too. On top of that most outstanding artistic phot...