
Showing posts from March, 2021

Seattle Center Library

The Covid 19 pandemic has changed a lot how we use public spaces for the past year. Some of the public spaces have been shut for more than a year now. Some are gradually reopening with limitations and precautions but they are not yet functioning as they were before the pandemic hit. One public space I miss as a photographer is the Seattle Central Library located in downtown Seattle. The library building is a huge 11 story glass and steel structure with an ultra-modern design.  Some might see the giant building as a grotesque modernist architecture and others like its functionality and futuristic look. Whatever opinions people have no one doubt that it is a unique iconic building. It attracts photographers and tourists alike from all over the world.  From the outside, it is hard to distinguish the shape of the library which may look like a big pile of glass and steel but once you are inside it transforms into a well-designed highly functional space.  Unlike traditional lib...