Artificial Intelligence
Today it the beginning of the age of Artificial Intelligence which will develop and program robots of the future. The age of information and data has given way to a new powerful tool to humanity, Artificial Intelligence. We are already using this form of technology which is in its infancy from search engines to our smartphone face recognition futures. Artificial intelligence is slowly but surely crawling into our lives. Artificial Intelligence is not a physical entity as a mechanical robot or a computer hardware is. It doesn't look like any of the super intelligent robots portrayed in the sci-fi movies. It is more than that it is an intelligence designed to learn and reinvent itself every second beyond any human beings capacity. Though we see the beginning of AI which can analyze huge pile of data in microseconds we don't have yet the super AI which doesn't need any inferior human to program it. Super AI can reprogram itself again and again in a fraction of a second making itself better every time it reprogram itself. Would this new entity share our values and ethics? Would it consider human beings other animals, plants, and the planet itself? Would that be the end of humanity? Would we be any use in a universe that machines can think better and learn by themselves and do things super efficiently than any human being can? I am hopeful that humans will survive but not sure how. Being human is more than intelligence maybe we have to come to terms that we are not the smartest beings in the world anymore.
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