Joy of Now

The joy of Childhood is genuine. Children do not know how to pretend and make fake smiles. They laugh or cry from their heart. Children are true to their feeling.  They are not yet corrupted by the adult world which is full of pretense. They express their joy and sorrow without reservation without clinging to any of them. They live for the moment they don't care about the past or the future, they just care for the moment and they live it fully. They totally immerse themselves in their plays because life and play are all the same for them. They don't see the difference between their imaginary world and the real world both are the same for them.  Adults should learn from children and start living without clinging to the past or worrying about the future. The past and the future should not make us not live the present fully in any way. We should be mindful of our present, we should live life to the fullest as children do. We cannot look back to the past or into the future without living and be in the present. We need to appreciate the simple things in life that we take for granted. We should be joyous of life itself at the moment. Let's bring out our inner child and immerse ourselves into Now.   


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