Market Day in Ethiopia

   In rural Ethiopia, the market day happens ones or twice a week. This is the same with many small towns. Usually, the markets are named after the day of the week they take place like Saturday, Monday, etc. During the market day, people travel to the market from faraway places to sell their produce and buy supplies they can only find at the market. 

Markets are melting pots of cultures since trade doesn't recognize differences in people, what matters during the market day is simple supply and demand. Farmers to herders and to city merchants come to trade on the same spot on the same day for this reason.  Besides the main purpose which is buying and selling people also go to markets to socialize, get the lettest news and be entertained.  The main trading activity takes place during the morning and early afternoon in most markets. Depending on how far their village is marketgoers linger at the market to get some drinks in one of the makeshift bars or eat some market place delicacies listening to the latest tunes from the city.
This day's markets are becoming mobile phone charging hubs for farmers who have mobile phones but don't have electricity in their villages to charge their phones. No matter how hot the trading or great the entertainment was everyone goes back home at the end of the day never to return until the next market day.  People have to wait at least a few days because there are no consecutive market days at the same spot. 


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