Birth Day Self Portrait
I usually don't talk about myself let alone write but it is my birthday and I will let myself and be egotistical and write about me.
Yes, it is another birthday again! Keeping my revived
tradition of having a birthday portrait, I am doing a self-portrait again. It
is amazing how time flies especially when you are getting older and when you
are dealing with four seasons a year which is now my case. Living where you have
distinct four seasons is making my year go by much faster. I lived most of my
life where we had technically four seasons but the difference is not that
significant, you hardly notice one season changing into another if you are not
a farmer. The only thing we notice is whether it is raining a lot or not,
summing up our seasons into just two. The rainy season and the dry season. We
hardly pay attention to the small rains in between the long dry season. Now I
have to deal with four weather patterns every year which makes the year feel
shorter than I was used to. So, I feel I am getting older much faster, which is
not a bad thing at all it gives me more reason to live a meaningful life and a
right to brag about the good old days.
Birthdays and now
birthday self-portraits are giving me a chance to pause and reflect, maybe
philosophize a bit. Now I am at the point of my life that I feel that I don’t
have to prove myself or impress anybody, even myself. I am comfortable with who I am, perfections or
imperfections that I may have or not. Now I do things if I want to do not
because I should or are expected to do them. Now my priorities are in being a
better person each day. I suppose when you get older you are supposed to get
wiser but if only you choose to be so. We all know the world is full of foolish
old people. Being wiser doesn’t mean that you are getting any smarter either
but you will at least make smarter decisions more than damp decisions. My “Great
Wisdom” tells me now I should strive to be a better person each moment.
Having a birthday at the end of the year used to give me a double
pressure to have new year resolutions and a new age resolution. Now I don’t
have that pressure because now I realized that I am not a person guided by promises
to myself and resolutions to remember those promises. Now I do what I want to
do when I feel that I need to do them for that I don’t need a new year or
another birthday. I do them when I feel it is the right time for me to take
action. I might be late or slow or fast but I do them when I feel it is the
right time for me. I have to admit that sometimes I act like I live forever. I
know that is not possible but it helps me not to worry about the future or regret
the past. It helps me to be alive today. Alive in a way that I am present in
the moment and appreciate life as it is which is what I am trying to do every day.
I might die soon or later but as long as I am alive, I should live my life to
the fullest. Living every moment by being present at the moment.
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